Thursday, September 16, 2010

In the News - That's me Tulsa!

Recently, Shefali Aunty covered Shril and me as 'Child Bloggers' in City Bhaskar, Divya Bhaskar Newspaper.

Read about this here:
Read in Divya Bhaskar

You may please visit my Main Blog Page as Kids Reporter and Blogger here

- Tulsa

My memorable Journey experience

My wonderful experience and the one that I would like to share with a quote:

'Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterwards'

Life is like a dream. We meet different people while we take our journey. These connections make us wiser and teach us lot of things. We come across good and bad incidents. Frightening too. Five years ago, when I was in third Grade, my family decided to spend and enjoy our vacation at Mahableshwar. We set off our journey in the month of July. The train journey for me was very fascinating and I really enjoyed the scenic beauty. We stayed at Ram Sukh Resort at Mahableshwar for 7 days. It was a nice hotel which gave us a very comfortable stay. Our days were going full of bliss and happiness. Mahableshwar is so beautiful where people live peacefully. It's awesome! It is very well known for its natural beauty. There are many Strawberry gardens there.

At the last day of our return journey, our train was to land at 5.00 from Pune. We decided to reach Pune by taxi. Our Hotel Manager booked a taxi for us. He told us that the taxi will come at 12.00 but after waiting for half an hour, it did not turn up. Finally, the taxi came at 1.00. We comfortably seated in the taxi but all of a sudden, the taxi stopped as there was a pucture in the tyre. He changed it fast but half an hour passed and we got late. We reached Pune station at 4.30. The station was too crowded. My grandparents were also with us. They took time to walk. So, we sent the taxi driver with them. They took short cut. We had to take our platform tickets so we went another way. In this procedure, we forgot to take our train tickets from our grandparents. When we reached the platform, Dad remembered that the tickets were with my grandparents. It also happened that the taxi driver took my grandparents to the wrong platform. We reached the train but with no tickets. And grandparents were not traceable there and we had no idea where they could be. We felt so scared. We pulled the chain. The train driver called the officer of the Railway station. All of a sudden we saw some officers with the police. We felt very frightened. Officers came and enquired about our chain pulling. My Dad explained the whole story. But, they asked for tickets. They even did not try to understand our condition.

Meanwhile, two men came and helped my grandparents to reach the platform. They called my Dad and gave the message that my grandparents were alright and we need not worry about them. Soon, we saw them and felt comfortable. We met them and showed the tickets to the Officer. We were more than happy and thankful to the two god-sent human beings who helped us in the nick of time.

It is so inspiring that these two gentleman came to help my grandparents. They did not know us yet thought of a kind deed and spared their time to help my grandparents reach safely to us. We should always be helpful to people around us when they need our help.

- Tulsa